Some answers to common questions and myths about Cyberyen.

What is Cyberyen?

Cyberyen is a consensus network that enables an alternative payment system and a completely digital currency. It operates as a decentralized peer-to-peer payment network, powered entirely by its users without any central authority or intermediaries. Drawing on the technological foundations of Bitcoin and Litecoin, Cyberyen offers a discreet and efficient means of conducting transactions, making it a distinctive option within cryptocurrency payment solutions.

Philosophy of Cyberyen

Cyberyen was born as a response to the increasing centralization and speculative nature of the current cryptocurrency trend. Unlike many modern blockchains controlled by a small elite, Cyberyen advocates for true decentralization. By combining Litecoin's MimbleWimble Extension Blocks (MWEB) technology with new block parameters, Cyberyen rejects the centralized control of both the cryptocurrency industry and centralized exchanges (CEXs) that often manipulate markets for profit.

Cyberyen's vision is based on the belief that money should serve as a balanced measure of value and relationships between people, rather than a tool for exploitation. The goal is to build an alternative decentralized payment system consisting of interconnected nodes supporting Proof of Work (PoW) and implementing radio technology to connect users globally. This approach ensures sustainability, accessibility, and true decentralization, aiming to give people financial control and promote a fairer economic system.

Who control Cyberyen?

Just as nobody owns the Internet, nobody owns Cyberyen.

Cyberyen is governed collectively by all its users worldwide. While developers contribute to software enhancements, they lack the authority to unilaterally alter the rules of the Cyberyen protocol. Users retain the autonomy to select the software they use. For interoperability, it is imperative that all users utilize software adhering to the same protocol rules. Cyberyen operates effectively only with unanimous consensus among its users. Consequently, both users and developers possess strong incentives to uphold and safeguard this consensus.

What is a total supply?

From block 600,000 onwards, each subsequent block will provide a fixed reward of 10,000 cyberyens. This reward structure is designed to incentivize miners to continuously secure the network and to prevent intentional retention of coins from natural circulation in the ecosystem.

Mining Mechanism

Cyberyen uses a simplified variant of the Scrypt key derivation function as its proof-of-work (PoW) algorithm. The system targets a block creation time of one minute, with difficulty adjustments occurring after each block to maintain this interval.

Historical Adjustments

An initial error in the GetBlockSubsidy function, responsible for calculating block rewards, led to deviations from the planned reward schedule. This issue has been corrected in Cyberyen Core version, stabilizing the block reward structure and aligning it with the intended scheme.

Block Reward Schedule:

BlockReward in cyberyens
600,000and beyond10,000

Cyberyen Inflation

Cyberyen, with its unlimited supply, promotes a dynamic and expansive monetary system. This design prevents artificial scarcity and encourages active spending, crucial for a functioning currency. By ensuring a continuous flow of newly created coins, Cyberyen minimizes extreme price fluctuations, making it more stable and suitable for everyday transactions.

Unlike other cryptocurrencies that are often hoarded and seldom spent, Cyberyen is engineered to circulate actively within the economy. Its predictable inflation rate fosters spending and usage, enhancing its practical role in the financial system. This strategy aims to address common barriers to cryptocurrency adoption, positioning Cyberyen as a viable and effective medium of exchange.